Get Affordable Quotation under your budget with a Cashback upto INR 1,000 on every Booking! Hurry up Book in Advance at 09301380002 to avail the offer.|| Harsh Unique Selling Points: Online Tracking, Online Documetnation, SMS Updates, Cashless Payments, Top Quality Packing Material, Trained Manpowers, PAN India network, ISO 9001:2015 Certified etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


How would you set the price for domestic and home shifting?

Should we book different companies for different packing and one company for both?

Can we shift our car with household items?

How long will it take to transport my household items?

Are there any circumstances that can cause my delivery to be delayed?

What if my vehicle is damaged during auto transport?

Are there different types of vehicle transport to choose from? Are there differences in the cost of open air and enclosed transportation options? Which one should i choose

What should I do if I do not like the rehabilitation services I have chosen?